


system analysis, integration management, portfolio, programme, project, process, dual education, model


The management of dual education projects is complicated due to the large number of stakeholders involved. Project complications also arise from the fact that some performers are simultaneously involved in several educational projects. Such projects are implemented according to curricula, share resources, and have a common goal. Taking this into account, it is advisable to manage educational projects comprehensively, in the form of a program that combines several educational projects. Each educational program may include several projects, which differ in the employers involved. Without proper management of the set of projects within the program, some of them may deviate from the main goal of the program, that is, become less productive. That's why project managers turn to project integration management to improve collaboration between projects, coordinate all aspects of a program's product, and create long-term results. Project integration management is aimed at increasing the number of successfully implemented projects. The basic model for creating a platform for the harmonious development of an organization or an entire region is the "5P concept" (portfolio – program – project – process – product). The article defines the concept of "dual education project". A systematic analysis of the process of managing the integration of projects, programs or a portfolio of dual education made it possible to identify the following subsystems: alignment of portfolio components with strategic goals, alignment of values, determination of the effectiveness of cooperation, and determination of the effectiveness of integration. Based on the results of the system analysis, a practical method of forming a portfolio for the development of dual education through the implementation of the 5P system concept has been developed.


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