real-time systems, information management systems, operator interfaceAbstract
For quite a long time, the rolling production of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine has been modernizing technological automation systems with the replacement of old relay-contactor and analog systems with information and control systems based on computer technologies. Such systems, as a rule, integrate several old systems, some of which are very critical for ensuring the real-time mode. The peculiarity of such systems is that the operator usually controls the flow of the technological process through existing or updated control bodies and analyzes the quality of the technological process setting both through visual control of the technological process and using the information displayed on the display. Interaction with the display is carried out through the operator interface, which provides access to the entire range of information available in the automated technological process control system (ACS TP). This dictates its approaches to the formation of the technological process operator interface when creating multifunctional computer automation systems critical to the real-time regime for operating technological objects. The purpose of the work is to substantiate software solutions regarding the structure and functionality of the operator interface of complex information and control systems critical to the real-time mode. Realization of the set goal involves substantiation of the interface structure considering ergonomic aspects and forms of information presentation regarding various parameters characterizing the state of the technological process, and the use of parallel access channels to technological information. The methodology for solving the task consists in the analysis and structuring of the array of information used by the operator in managing the technological process, with its ranking by importance and criticality to the time of updating in different operation modes of the technological process automation computer system, identifying additional information that can be obtained indirect methods from the basic information used by the system to control the technological process. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating approaches to the structure and functionality of the operator interface of complex information and control systems critical to the real-time regime, information placement and access mechanisms.
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