image processing, object detection, apple yield, YOLOv5, deep learningAbstract
This study proposes a novel deep learning approach for apple detection and counting. The well-recognized YOLOv5 model was employed as a baseline for its high accuracy and fast processing time and further modified to suit the requirements of the apple detection task in the natural environment. The proposed approach involves two stages: apple detection and apple counting. In the detection stage, the novel YOLOv5-v1 model was trained on a manually crafted dataset of apple images to learn the features that distinguish apples from the background. The model contained new layers for the BottleneckCSP-v4 module, replacing the BottleneckCSP module in the original YOLOv5 network’s backbone architecture. In the counting stage, the SENet module is integrated into the enhanced trunk network to better identify the features of medium and large-sized fruits under various conditions. The initial size of the source network’s binding block was adjusted to prevent the misidentification of small objects in the image background and thus improve counting accuracy. To evaluate the performance of the approach, computational experiments were conducted on a dataset of apple images constructed by the authors. The experimental results on the test dataset demonstrated that the improved model could effectively recognize and count fruits captured by the unmanned aerial vehicle camera with recall, precision, mAP, and F1-score of 92.13%, 84.59%, 87.94%, and 89.02%, respectively. The proposed approach was also compared with several other state-of-the-art methods, like YOLOv5, YOLOv3, and YOLOv4 and EfficientDet-D0, and it was found that our model outperformed the analogs in terms of accuracy and speed. The average recognition speed of our model was 0.015 seconds per 1 frame of the video sequence (66.7 frames/s), which was 2.53, 1.13, and 3.53 times higher than that of the EfficientDet-D0, YOLOv4, and YOLOv3 networks, respectively. The obtained results have several potential applications in the agriculture industry, where they can be used for crop monitoring, yield estimation, and quality control. Further research can also be conducted to incorporate additional features, such as fruit shape, using a larger dataset to train the model.
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