


risks, attacks, sociotechnical systems, profiling system, linguistic parameters, expert methods, method of forming parameters of functional responsibilities, information security.


Today, the level of information attacks, which include the human factor, is increasing significantly. A large part of them is information gathering with the help of phishing and insider attacks, social engineering and other types of cyber attacks. The key problem of effective detection of relevant attacks is that the parameters that can be used to describe certain processes have a large number of difficult to describe concepts, relations and specific features. Also, as an investigation, there is a lack of necessary methods and systems aimed at assessing related threats and risks and identifying relevant attacks. With this in mind, there is an increase in these attacks and the need for threat and risk assessment systems related to the human factor. And the development of appropriate means of forming functional responsibilities for threat assessment is one of the components of this topic, which will allow considering threats in sociotechnical systems from the standpoint of functional responsibilities of the personnel of a certain system is an actual scientific task. Based on this, the goal of the work is to develop a method of forming the parameters of functional duties for the assessment of threats in sociotechnical systems. The article defines the basic structure of the employee’s profile and the key positions of the proposed approach, which include the general characteristics of the employee and the specific component of the profile. And taking into account the basic structure of the profile, parameters reflecting certain functional duties for further assessment of threats in socio-technical systems were formed.


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