SCADA system, human-machine interface, technical support of automation systems.Abstract
The development of computer technologies in the field of technological processes automation has formed typical approaches to the structure of technical means and software of computer control systems. The most common is the approach that involves a strict functional hierarchy and corresponding technical means and specialized tools for developing application software for each level of the hierarchy. In all modern complex automated control systems, the implementation of a human-machine interface (HMI – Human-Machine Interface) is assumed, that understands the “machine” as a system with all technical means involved in the process of measurement, control, signaling and management, and the “person” as the operator-technologist, which is directly involved in the management process. Strictly speaking, the NMI is directly programmed by means of the SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). The market offers many SCADA systems from different developers with similar functionality of subsystems for the operator-technologist. At the same time, they neglect the issue of technical support of automation systems built with the help of SCADA tools, which complicates the search for violations in the external circuits of automation systems, slows down the system adjustment after repairs of existing complex automation systems that have already been put into operation and are working. Functional issues and the experience of creating an interface for technical support of complex automation systems, which are analyzed using the example of control systems for the high-speed rolling mode of a continuous rolling mill of ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih PJSC, can be used for the further development of SCADA systems. The purpose of the work is to justify decisions regarding the structure and functionality of the technical support interface of complex automation systems. The realization of the set goal involves substantiating the structure of the interface, considering functional aspects and forms of presenting information about various parameters that allow controlling the external connection chains of the automation system and the internal parameters that can be adjusted. The methodology for solving the given task consists in the analysis and structuring of the information mass used by the personnel accompanying the operation of the system, and its subsequent grouping according to functional characteristics. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the expediency and necessity of supplementing the traditional human-machine interface of SCADA systems with functionality that provides technical support for automation systems.
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