IT project management, Jira, Miro, Figma, Lucidchart, Cacoo, RealtimeBoard, Conceptboard, Microsoft Project, Trello.Abstract
The article considers the role of the IT industry in the economy of Ukraine, its revival and development against the background of difficult conditions. The authors emphasize the importance of optimizing management processes. IT service management includes the design, provision, administration and improvement of IT services in an organization or company. Thanks to this, the IT organization can support all business processes as much as possible, because existing software tools can be used not only to optimize IT. In recent years, they have been increasingly used for business processes and other industries. Means of automatic rescheduling of tasks become especially important for large projects taking into account resource limitations, when the manager is not able to independently analyze the reasons for the lack of resources and find a solution for each specific type of work. The publication analyzes modern software tools for IT project management, focusing on three key tools: Jira, Miro and Figma. These programs help streamline project management, increase the efficiency of IT companies and reduce time and resource costs. The article also covers popular alternatives to these tools such as Lucidchart, Cacoo, RealtimeBoard, and Conceptboard. It is the services discussed in the article that are designed to automate current tasks, and a single data environment helps to improve methodology, communication and speed up the work of service departments. Tracking completed tasks and evaluating employee performance makes it easier to distribute the workload of an enterprise's IT team, as well as evaluate its effectiveness. Thus, thanks to its clear structure, IT product management allows to create effective and sustainable solutions. In the future, it is planned to conduct research aimed at summarizing the practice of using software products in the IT industry.
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