entrepreneurship, system analysis, forecasting of veterinary services.Abstract
The treatment of animals and the provision of veterinary and sanitary services in Ukraine are increasingly becoming the prerogative of private veterinary medicine due to the formation of market conditions. Despite the fierce competition in the work of commercial institutions and entrepreneurial doctors, the market for veterinary services is constantly growing. However, this field remains less researched and widespread compared to other fields. Therefore, starting a business in the field of providing veterinary services, even in the presence of competition, is a promising direction of entrepreneurial activity, which determines the relevance of the conducted research. The purpose of the work is to analyze trends in the development of veterinary services in different regions of Ukraine and to identify those that may be potentially attractive for starting a veterinary business. For this purpose, an analysis of the number of veterinary medicine institutions in the regions of Ukraine was carried out and five regions where rapid development of the field of veterinary services is observed. These regions are considered the most promising for entrepreneurship. In addition, a forecast of the development of the veterinary business of three regions was made using various methods of short-term forecasting, in particular, according to the Holt-Winters, Brown and moving-average models. The most applicable approaches to forecasting for two years have been determined. The received evaluations of the forecast confirmed its adequacy. The conducted analysis confirmed the potential of starting a business in the field of providing veterinary services and made it possible to determine the most promising regions for starting a veterinary business. Further scientific research can be aimed at modeling the development of the veterinary service, taking into account the specifics of the selected regions and areas of veterinary medicine. An in-depth study of the dynamics of this industry will allow us to identify and use new opportunities for business development in the field of veterinary medicine in Ukraine.
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