


three-dimensional objects, DCGAN models, generative neural network models, generative competitive networks, variational autoencoders.


The paper considered various methods of three-dimensional objects generating by using of neural networks. Several key elements of the methodologies of this type of synthesis of new information were singled out, on the basis of which a new way of three-dimensional objects representing was proposed for its use for typical generative models of neural networks training. The purpose of the work is to develop a method of representing of three-dimensional objects that would satisfy the criterion of high density of information useful for a generative model. The minimization of the redundancy of the information generated together with the minimization of the losses associated with the process of transition from a three-dimensional way of representing of an object to a two-dimensional one (with which the existing generative models can cope quite well) are the key aspects of the proposed method of representation. The methodology for solving of the problem given consists in building of a mathematical model of a new type of representation of three-dimensional objects; development of a software algorithm that implements a mathematical model; and testing this representation based on a typical generative neural network model. The scientific novelty is that for the first time such a type of representation of a three-dimensional object was proposed, which could be used for typical generative models training. Conclusions. The proposed method of representing of a three-dimensional object showed its viability even in the context of training of a small typical generative model DCGAN. Prospects for further research of the proposed method for training of other typical generative models were also determined, because this method could be quite easily adapted to representations of input and output data of a wide range of neural network architectures.


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