network attack detection system, network security, information securityAbstract
The development of computer networks affects most areas of human activity. The functioning of networks and information systems within them depends not only on the reliability of the equipment used, but also on the ability of the network to withstand any attempts to disrupt its operation. Every year, networks are becoming more complex and large-scale. As a result, the need to improve intrusion detection systems, which are primarily responsible for detecting network attacks, unauthorised access attempts and resource use, is becoming increasingly important. The constant rapid development of methods and influence of destructive software on information systems makes it necessary to increase the level of information protection. The most effective way to achieve this goal is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of attack detection and intrusion prevention systems. The scientific novelty of the research consists in determining the efficiency of the developed system by solving the problem of multi-criteria decision-making. The main goal of the work is the study of a more effective network attack detection system under development (hereafter NADS) in comparison with already existing open systems. The work decomposes the decision-making task with the selection of the main goal and alternatives. Elements of the same levels are comparable to each other in terms of prioritization. According to Saati’s method, a hierarchy of goals is determined in order to achieve the given task. Based on this, the scheme of the current study is being built, the main purpose of which is to verify and confirm the effectiveness of the developed network attack detection system among three existing alternatives according to six criteria. The results of the analysis confirm that the developed system is effective and relevant. It demonstrates advantages in detecting and responding to network threats compared to the considered analogues.
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