information service, assistant application, personalized suppor,; personal dashboard, enhancing scientific process efficiencyAbstract
The efficiency of user interaction with an information service is significantly determined by customization capabilities tailored to personal needs. For professionals in the scientific field, these issues are even more pertinent due to the diversity of activities and the necessity of accessing numerous resources and tools. This article explores the possibilities of creating an individualized working information space for researchers, providing an overview of models, methods, and adjustments of information services The efficiency of user interaction with an information service is significantly determined by the customization capabilities to meet individual needs. For professionals in the scientific sector, these issues are even more pertinent due to the diversity of activities and the necessity of utilizing numerous resources and tools. This article discusses the possibilities of creating an individualized working information environment for researchers, providing an overview of models, methods, and configurations of information services. A descriptive user model is proposed for further customization. One of the considered options is the concept of a personal dashboard as an integrator of necessary information services with the potential for individual adjustment. The aim. To propose a descriptive user model of an information service with personalization attributes and to conduct a review of models and methods for creating a personalized workspace for researchers. This involves studying technologies, design methods, and development of individual workspaces. One model for forming an individual workspace is the Personal User Dashboard. Therefore, the functionality of the personal dashboard and possibilities for its expansion are discussed, considering principles of account and team management, practical aspects of using existing solutions like Google Workspace, Slack, Trello, among others. Attention is given to the systematization and generalization of research on designing and developing individual workspaces, as well as identifying opportunities to enhance user experience and efficiency in these systems. Scientific novelty. A descriptive user model of an information service is proposed, and a review of modern methods and technologies for creating an individualized workspace for researchers is conducted, aligning with their unique needs and enhancing productivity. The methodology. General scientific and specific methods are applied: – Systematization and generalization, systemic approaches for reviewing and analyzing research results and practical developments. – Modeling for creating and formally describing the user model of the service. Conclusion. Recommendations are made in the conclusions regarding improving information services for researchers using the personal dashboard as an integrator of various information services. It is believed that creating a personalized working environment will contribute to increased efficiency and user satisfaction.
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