


device reliability problem, statistical uncertainty, optimal solution, optimality criteria, computer modeling


Reliability is a property of the device to perform its function, to keep values within the specified limits of the established indicators. Reliability indicators make it possible to evaluate the quantitative characteristics of the properties when choosing different constructive options of the device during their development and testing. At the testing stage, reliability is calculated as statistical estimates of probabilistic input parameters. Which, in turn, can lead to several solutions and to the need to determine the optimal solution. Therefore, the task of researching the influence of statistical uncertainty on the optimal solution of the problem of device reliability is relevant. The work considers the problem of researching the reliability of the device with statistical input parameters: the parameters are subject to a uniform distribution law with three variants of deviations from deterministic values. The software implementation of finding solutions by the method of sorting in the MATLAB environment has been developed. Different variants of optimality criteria are proposed. A study of the influence of statistical uncertainty on the maximum reliability of the device for three criteria was carried out. The purpose of the work is to study the impact of statistical uncertainty and develop software to solve the problem of device reliability under conditions of statistical uncertainty. The solution methodology is a combination of dynamic programming methods, statistical research methods, and multi-criteria optimization methods. Scientific innovation: development of an approach to finding the optimal solution to a problem with random input parameters; development of a suitable application that finds optimal solutions; study of the influence of statistical uncertainty on the optimal solution of the problem. Conclusions. The described process of modeling the impact of uncertainty on the optimal solution of the device reliability problem can be applied in practice to find and analyze the optimal solution of a class of stochastic optimal planning problems.


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