


object detection, autonomous driving, deep learning, transformers, attention mechanisms, occlusion handling, real-time performance


Object detection is a critical component of autonomous driving systems, enabling accurate identification and localization of vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, traffic signs, and other road objects. Deep learning techniques have revolutionized this field, propelling object detection capabilities to unprecedented levels. This paper presents a survey of state-of-the-art deep learning-based object detection methods tailored for autonomous driving applications using monocular camera input. The purpose of this work is to provide a unified perspective on modern deep learning approaches to object detection tailored for the unique requirements of autonomous driving. The monocular camera modality is chosen for its cost-effectiveness, widespread availability, and compatibility with existing automotive hardware. The focus is solely on deep learning techniques due to their ability to learn rich feature representations directly from data. The methodology involves a systematic review of real-world applications and challenges, including pedestrian detection, traffic sign recognition, low-light conditions, and real-time performance requirements. The scientific novelty. This survey consolidates the latest developments in camera-based object detection for autonomous driving, providing a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for researchers and practitioners. It offers insights into emerging techniques, such as attention mechanisms, multi-scale feature fusion, and model compression, which address critical challenges like occlusion handling, small object detection, and computational efficiency. Furthermore, the survey explores the potential of explainable AI and meta-learning techniques to enhance the transparency, interpretability, and generalization capabilities of object detectors in autonomous driving contexts. Conclusions. Deep learning-based object detection has made significant strides in recent years, enabling robust and accurate perception for autonomous vehicles. However, challenges persist in real-world deployment, including handling diverse lighting conditions, adverse weather scenarios, and ensuring reliable performance under occlusions. This survey highlights promising research directions, such as incorporating attention mechanisms, temporal information, and multi-scale architectures, to address these challenges and pave the way for safer and more reliable autonomous driving systems.


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