


automation devices, decision support system, expert system, diagnostic object, electromechanical complex technical system, operator, ship automated systems, alarm monitoring system


Purpose of study is to thoroughly investigate and develop efficient methods and models for the rapid diagnosis and troubleshooting of electrical systems in ship automation. The research focuses on the construction of fault trees and decision trees for defect identification in specific diagnostic objects and their structural units, with an emphasis on improving the speed and accuracy of fault detection. Methodology. An integrated approach was applied to analyze diagnostic systems, including the use of advanced methods for building fault trees and decision trees. A novel Decision Support System (DSS) is proposed, which enhances the efficiency of fault detection processes through the application of mathematical models. The study also systematizes the key subjective and objective factors that influence the time required for system recovery after faults are detected. The need for a shift from paperbased to electronic maintenance documentation, utilizing modern expert systems, is substantiated as a crucial step for accelerating and facilitating maintenance processes. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the introduction of a new approach to improving the efficiency of ship emergency warning systems (EWS) through the use of a DSS based on innovative mathematical models for fault diagnostics. The implemented DSS significantly reduces the time required for fault detection, improves diagnostic accuracy, and minimizes the impact of human factors, which is critical for ensuring the safety and reliability of ship systems. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that enhancing ship emergency warning systems through the implementation of a DSS can substantially improve the safety and operational efficiency of ships. The DSS not only reduces risks associated with technical malfunctions of ship equipment but also minimizes potential financial losses that may arise from emergency situations. The use of mathematical models and algorithms for fault diagnostics ensures quick and accurate responses to emergencies, which is crucial for the safe operation of ships in modern maritime transport conditions.


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