real-time systems, reliability of operation, software tasks, functional structure, information-control systems.Abstract
Most complex automation systems of the mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine need radical modernization. In modern conditions, such modernization involves the use of computer technology to create information and control systems that work in real time, and the requirements for the reliability of their operation are critically high. Given the versatility and complexity of automation systems that control the processes of mining and metallurgical production, the problem of ensuring their reliable operation in real time is not limited to the selection of appropriate hardware and software tools, but requires special approaches to application software design. The purpose of the work is to substantiate software solutions to ensure the reliable operation of complex information and control systems critical to real-time. Realization of the set purpose provides the decision of a problem of creation of reliably functioning in real time software of difficult information and control systems based on the consecutive analysis of functional structure of system, structure of its computer knots which are tied to a topography of placement of input-output of information and control posts. technological processes, and the distribution of functional tasks between program flows, taking into account the critical constraints on their execution time. The methodology for solving this problem is a consistent analysis of general functional problems solved by the information management system, analysis of the structure of technical means of the system, decomposition of general functional problems of the system into subtasks and distribution of these subtasks between program tasks. Scientific novelty. The article shows that in the development of software solutions that ensure the reliable operation of complex information and control systems critical to real-time software tasks are formed based primarily on the requirements for the time of their implementation and taking into account the distribution of information and control load of computer nodes.
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