Oracle database, indexes, OLTP server, fragmentation detection, index restructuring.Abstract
The paper considers index fragmentation, analyzes the decrease in the performance of SQL queries with increasing percentage of index fragmentation. The indexing system used in the ORACLE database is analyzed in the paper. Modern methods of fragmentation reduction are considered and analyzed and a model, methods and algorithm are developed which in automatic mode will allow to make reorganization and reorganization of indices depending on the percentage of fragmentation. The aim of the work is to develop a method and algorithms to avoid index fragmentation. The realization of this goal involves solving the problem of finding analysis and restructuring of fragmented indices, which provides the proposed method. Based on the proposed method, an algorithm for database systems was developed, and a procedure was developed to avoid index fragmentation in the ORACLE database, which occurs when the ORACLE server is running in OLTP mode. Scientific novelty. In the course of the work, the method of rearranging the fragmented indices in the database was further developed. In the first, it is proposed to use index restructuring in automatic mode without the intervention of the database administrator. Conclusions. The information system was built in which the method was developed and the algorithm for the system of avoiding index fragmentation in ORACLE DBMS, which occur during the operation of the ORACLE server in OLTP mode, was proposed. The results are represented graphically and described in this work as well.
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