


cyberphysical system, modeling, means of protection, acoustic information, optoelectronic channel.


The relevance of modeling methods and means of technical protection of acoustic information against leakage with the help of developed hardware and software systems for the development of protection such means, their improvement and verification is determined. For this purpose, a cyberphysical system for modeling technical means of acoustic information protection from leakage by an optoelectronic channel is proposed. The paper analyzes and defines the characteristics and parameters of the elements of the physical part of this system, as well as the structure of the cybernetic part of the system, functions and content of the elements models of the physical part. The aim of the work is to develop the structure and determine the main functions of the elements of the cyberphysical system for modeling technical means of protection of acoustic information from leakage by optical-electronic channel. The methodology for solving this problem is to use methods of systems analysis and control theory for the synthesis of cyberphysical system modeling of technical means of acoustic information protection from leakage by optical-electronic channel, providing organization of measurement and computational processes, storage and exchange of measurement and service information. effects on physical processes. Scientific novelty. For the first time it is proposed to build measuring and computing complexes for research of methods and means of acoustic information protection from leakage by optoelectronic channel in the form of cyberphysical systems that combine physical processes and cybernetic components into a single system. Conclusions. Creation of a cyberphysical system for modeling methods and means of technical protection of acoustic information from leakage by optoelectronic channel automates measurement and computational processes and increases the ability to develop new and improve existing means of protection, justify the parameters and characteristics of their elements and verify means of protection.


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