centralization, protection of information, fraudulent systems, multicomputer systems, malicious software; Computer attacks.Abstract
The work analyzes the prevention, detection and counteraction systems of malicious software and computer attacks, including fraudulent systems and systems with baits and traps. When developing such systems, mechanisms that provide their adaptability, that is, adaptation to the surrounding operating environment and internal and external influences, are often laid in their architecture. These mechanisms first consider mechanisms that provide restructuring of systems architecture in the process of their functioning in order to respond to malicious threats. One of the main elements in the restructuring of the architecture of systems without user intervention is the centers of systems. The detail of the mechanisms of restructuring of the centers of systems is not given enough attention, in particular, the developers of commercial systems do not declare. The work identifies the characteristic properties of centralization in multicomputer systems and detail the characteristic properties, their combination and presentation. Such detail of characteristic properties is the basis for establishing relationships between them, the synthesis of systems with such centers, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of centralization options. According to the developed submission of centralization options in the architecture of systems, the potential number of centralization options, which can be transferred when choosing the next centralization option, was evaluated. The purpose of the article is to detail the characteristic properties of centralization to identify the next version of the center in the architecture of systems of prevention, detection and counteraction to malicious software and computer attacks so that the systems are concealed their center independently, as well as to ensure effective interaction between their nodes And the rapid decision -making and the integrity of the system was maintained during operation. The methodology is to apply scientific methods: systematic analysis of synthesis, comparison. The work presents an analysis of the characteristic properties of centralization to determine the next version of the center in the architecture of the Milty -Computer Systems Preventing, Detection and Combating Mallen software and computer attacks. According to the analysis, a formal representation of the characteristic properties according to which will synthesize the variants of centralization in the architecture of systems. Scientific novelty lies in the designed models of characteristic properties of centralization to use them in the method of determining the next variant of the center in the architecture of multi-computer systems of prevention, detection and counteraction Able to form the following centralization option without involving the user and avoiding a complete or significant partial interview of options. Conclusions. The characteristic properties of centralization in the architecture of multi-computer baits and traps to detect and counteract the RFS and Ka. The characteristic properties are grouped into the set of characteristic properties. According to this definition, the indicators were obtained to use them in determining the following centralization in the multi -computer architecture, which they must be carried out independently without involving the administrator. The analysis of the proposed solution confirmed the prospect of the research. The experiment was staged for the developed system according to the submitted centralization. The results of the experiment confirm the prospect of research in the direction of restructuring of the center of systems.
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