convolutional neural networks, semantic segmentation, satellite imagery, water resources, environmental monitoring.Abstract
Aim of the Study. The goal of this research is to develop and implement an effective neural network approach based on the U-Net model for detecting structural elements of Ukraine’s aquatic environment through the analysis of multispectral images from the Sentinel-2 satellite. This entails enhancing both accuracy and speed in identifying changes in water bodies and ecological network components, thereby enabling prompt responses to environmental challenges. Methodology. An automatic approach to forming the training set is utilized, relying on the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Binary water masks are generated based on a threshold value applied to the Sentinel-2 green and near-infrared channels, enabling the creation of a large training dataset without manual labeling. The model is built around the U-Net architecture: the encoder extracts high-level features, while the decoder restores spatial resolution and produces the segmentation map. During training, a combined loss function that merges binary cross-entropy with the Dice coefficient is applied. Model evaluation uses F1 score, precision, recall, and Intersection over Union (IoU). Testing the model on full-resolution images of different areas demonstrates a high degree of generalization. Scientific Novelty. The proposed approach integrates automatic generation of water body masks (via NDWI) with a U-Net-based architecture tailored for binary segmentation of large satellite images. This integration eliminates the need for manual labeling and ensures accurate water detection results. The use of a combined loss function improves the model’s sensitivity to fine water structures, while experiments under various imaging conditions confirm its robustness against spectral and atmospheric variability. Conclusions. An effective model has been developed for the segmentation of water bodies in Sentinel-2 satellite images using a deep neural network with a U-Net architecture. The process involved data preparation, wherein water masks were automatically generated based on the NDWI index, followed by thorough training of the model with a combined loss function that merges binary cross-entropy and the Dice coefficient. The model achieved high accuracy metrics, confirmed by an F1 score of 0.8897, precision of 0.8721, recall of 0.9080, and an IoU of 0.8013, demonstrating its capability for accurately detecting water bodies of various sizes and shapes.The advantages of the chosen approaches stem from combining deep learning with prior data processing, which automated the detection of water bodies and ensured high segmentation accuracy. The model exhibits flexibility, scalability, and computational efficiency, making it suitable for practical applications in water resource monitoring and environmental studies. Future research directions include experimenting with different neural network architectures, employing alternative methods for mask generation, and incorporating spatiotemporal information to further enhance the model’s effectiveness and versatility.
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