system analysis, medical logistics, optimal solutions, business process, methodology.Abstract
The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the medical logistics system with a focus on improving decision-making processes for infrastructure development. The relevance of the work lies in the study of the system’s robustness in crisis situations. The crisis revealed the inability of the system to meet the unprecedented demand for medicines and medical devices, emphasizing the need to create a more sustainable and adaptive logistics infrastructure. The purpose of work. To analyse and build a medical logistics system at the regional level. For this purpose, the key components and functions, including transport networks, regional and subregional centers and distribution hubs, should be additionally described. To analyse the legislative acts on the implementation of medical logistics, highlighting the general algorithm of actions for infrastructure development. Methodology. A systematic approach was used to analyse the medical logistics system at the regional level. Using analysis and synthesis, the main components of the system are identified, and its organizational chart in times of crisis is presented. The process of providing assistance and organizing the relevant logistics infrastructure is considered using the IDEF0 notation, where inputs, outputs, controls, and mechanisms are identified. The process of opening regional, subregional and distribution centers is analysed separately and a methodology for its organization was proposed. Scientific novelty. A methodology for opening regional, subregional and distribution centers is developed, which involves making appropriate decisions based on the results of solving the two-stage location-activation problem using software. The article details specific steps for organizing some processes of the regional medical logistics system that are potentially at risk of human factor influence in decision-making. The algorithm provides for the location of centers of different levels and determination of the transportation strategy. The author proposes to improve this process by automating some of the steps. Most of the steps can be optimized by applying the developed methodology and software for solving multi-stage location-activation problems. The application of the proposed modifications will allow taking into account more qualitative and quantitative indicators when making decisions on scaling the infrastructure in the field of medical logistics. Conclusions. The proposed methodology and software make it possible to optimize some elements of the regional medical logistics system, improving their ability to adapt during emergencies, make more effective management decisions, achieve effective indicators by reducing costs and meeting the needs of the population.
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