


functional signature control, digital systems control methods, functional controllability, cyber resilience.


In the context of increasing relevance of the problem of ensuring the reliability of the functioning of various digital information and measuring systems of control complexes by critical infrastructure objects in conditions of external harmful influence (for example, cyberattacks), the task of developing these control complexes with the property of controllability of structural units (devices) in the real time scale of their functioning becomes relevant. At the same time, the determining conditions for solving the synthesis problem should be two: achieving a high ability of hardware functional control to detect multiple errors in binary codes during their transmission, processing and storage, and hardware redundancy of functional control should be minimal. Therefore, at the basic circuit level of building digital systems, there is, first of all, the need for further development (a new stage) of the circuitry of microcircuits of medium and high integration. Purpose of the work. Based on a critical analysis of a number of well-known methods of functional hardware control, a circuit-technical signature-functional approach is proposed to create a new generation of microcircuits of medium and high integration with built-in functional signature functional control nodes, which would provide high reliability of control with minimal circuit-technical (hardware) redundancy. Method. The solution to the synthesis problem is based on the use of the mathematical apparatus of the author’s signature algebra of the field V. Tupkalo TSF[2n,Pm(x)]. Scientific novelty. A new methodological solution to the problem of synthesizing control signature generators of the parallel combinational type for multi-bit operands by aggregating them from separate unified typical blocks of small bit size has been developed. Conclusions. Based on the two proposed options for using models of parallel combinational signature generators, it is possible to propose two possible directions for further development of circuit design of microcircuits of medium and high degree of integration for building digital information and measuring systems of control complexes of wide purpose. Firstly, the proposed models can be implemented as separate series of microcircuits of signature control nodes for building functionally controllable (self-controlled in real time functioning) digital information and measuring systems of control complexes, secondly – as a functional integrated component of a number of basic microcircuits of circuit design of digital systems. A further direction of development of the topic of the article is the development of circuit design methods of signature functional control of the digital information and measuring systems based on the set of signature fields V. Tupkalo TSF[2kn,Pm(x)].


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