information control system, software, above-ground ropeway, transport mine working section, development of information systems.Abstract
Under the conditions of mining intensification, neither increase in safety requirements nor rational use of power resources can be provided without the transportation of information system controlling technological processes for load hoisting in underground mine workings. In this connection, motivation to transit to higher informatization of transporting and loading/unloading operations is the replacement of the majority of current facilities of local visualization for the normalized apparatus sets in the form of programmable controllers, informative sensors, visual control centres as well as software for personnel operating and using the devices. Purpose of the paper is to substantiate functions and structural scheme of the information system controlling rock transportation by means of above-ground ropeways (AGRWs) under the conditions of uncertainty. Following problems should be solved to achieve the purpose: 1) to analyze methods of information collection, accumulation, and transmitting to visualize technological process for rock transportation in actual practice of coal mines; 2) to consider the potential to develop the information system controlling technological processes of rock transportation under untypical conditions of above-ground ropeway operation; and 3) to develop recommendations to improve efficiency of the AGRWs as well as their engineering status while operating in the actual mine environment. Originality. The information system to control process of rock transportation by means of above-ground ropeways while mine working (MW) driving under the complicated mining and geological conditions of the Western Donbas mines is considered by the paper as interacting above-ground ropeway-mine working (AGRW-MW) system operating under uncertainty conditions. It has been proved that introduction of information system into the current schemes of mine transport improves capacity of site transportation mine working while ensuring safe labour conditions. Conclusions. Relying upon the introduction of information system to control technological processes of mining, the recommendations have been elaborated as for the improvement of AGRW efficiency as well as its engineering status while operating in actual mine environment experiencing constant spatial and temporal changes. It has been identified that the information system development solves the complicated problems concerning determination of technological object boundaries; synthesis of methods of on-line information collecting, processing, and transmitting; and selection of the software to be applied for representation of mining processes within the visual control centres.
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