


fuzzy logic, phasing, interval set, Mamdani rule, Takagi-Sugeno coefficients


A comprehensive study was conducted and the general theoretical principles of using machine analysis of uncontrolled parameters of industrial systems in real time based on the theory of fuzzy logic were determined. The proposed mathematical model was based on the classification, which includes three types of fuzzy sets: fuzzy set of the first order, fuzzy set of the second order and interval fuzzy set of the second order. For each of the mentioned types of sets, a mathematical apparatus was built that fully reflects its features, but at the same time is characterized by minimal resource consumption when working in real time. The aim of the study is to build a comprehensive methodology for the development of FLS-libraries, the mathematical apparatus of which involves the application of the Mamdani rule and Takagi-Sugeno coefficients for the first-order fuzzy set, second-order fuzzy set and interval fuzzy set of the second order. A methodology for building libraries for fuzzy logic systems has been developed, which consists of three stages. The first stage is phasing, which translates the input set of values into a fuzzy set and precedes the stage of logical inference, which is responsible for representing the input data set in accordance with the established system of rules. The last stage is defuzzification, which converts the fuzzy set of output data into a set of data that can be used by the industrial complex control system. The effectiveness of using the Mamdani rule and the set of Takagi- Sugeno coefficients in improving the basic mathematical model of formulating a fuzzy rule for a fuzzy logic system is determined. A generalized principle of building a model of formulating a fuzzy rule for a fuzzy logic system has been developed. A comprehensive scheme of the scenario of using libraries of fuzzy logic systems, which can be used in microcontrollers of robotic industrial systems, and includes the configuration of libraries and the construction of system algorithms, has been developed. It is shown that with the help of the presented mathematical model on the basis of one software platform it is possible to build algorithms for the analysis of uncontrolled parameters in real time with different configurations, including several libraries of fuzzy logic systems.


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