


metallurgy, information system, self-learning, management, technology, operator, scenario


The decision-making support information system, which can provide the BOF operators with recommendations for conducting the technological process in real time at the metallurgical enterprise, can significantly help reduce production costs and increase the profitability. The development of the aforementioned information system, basing on self-learning and using the experience of some previous successful melts is considered to be relevant. The purpose of the work is to develop a learning algorithm for the smelting control subsystem of the intelligent decision-making support system in the BOF control circuit. The subsystem automates the operator’s actions, optimizes the process according to an economic criterion, and reduces the influence of the human factor on the result. The last one leads to the improvement of production economic indicators. The methodology of providing a solution consists of the recommendation formation for the BOF operator subsystem, based on the selection and averaging of the best precedents from memory, which are the closest according to the normalized metric. The metric includes both the desired characteristics of the finished steel and controlled disturbances, particularly the initial conditions of melting. The vectors of disturbances and controlled variables are divided into two groups. The first group is to determine the distance to precedents, and the second one is to form the criterion for the optimality of the solution. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the work consists in the proposed self-learning algorithm. The algorithm, in contrast to previously known approaches, does not use the entire set of training examples from the previous melt database, but only the "best" ones according to a consolidated external criterion. Best examples are a limited subset of closest melts in history to the current melt according to a normalized metric condition. The external criterion form and the metric of the melt comparison in the normalized space are proposed. Conclusions. The application of the proposed self-learning algorithm of the converter operator’s subsystem of the integrated metallurgical production DMSS allows reducing the molten steel cost by 2.5–3.8 %. The result is possible if there are a sufficient number of examples in the database of some previous melts, covering the current order.


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