


multiprocessor systems, aggregation, speed, memory, computing nodes, technological process, processors, graphic objects, non-graphic computing, annealing, spheroidization


Today, practice poses problems, the solution of which by well-known standard approaches quite often represents a significant problem, which can be solved only by using multiprocessor computer technologies. In turn, one of the fundamental features of the application of these technologies is reduced to increasing the productivity and speed of calculations. At the same time, the significant performance of calculations allows the solution of multidimensional problems, as well as problems that require a significant amount of processor time. Speed operation allows you to effectively manage not only technological processes, but also provides for the creation of prerequisites for the development of promising and innovative technological processes. Therefore, the application of high-performance computing is an urgent and priority problem today. The goal of the work is to improve the structure and increase the performance of a multiprocessor computer system by aggregating computing channels based on the NVIDIA CUDA platform for control modes of technological process components. The proposed approach made it possible not only to increase the efficiency of parallelization, but also to significantly reduce the calculation time. In the given development of a multiprocessor system, two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 video cards were "connected". This approach is aimed not only at a significant increase in computing performance, but also at a significant decrease in latency and significant unloading of the system bus. Compared to the known approach, due to the application of the software-hardware architecture of parallel computing from the NVIDIA corporation based on the CUDA platform, it was possible to increase the volume of video memory by 16 GB on each computing node of the multiprocessor system, as well as to increase the overall performance of the system node by 350 GFL. The practical value of the conducted research is aimed at solving the problem of intensification of spheroidizing annealing of a long steel product. The direct technological process of heat treatment of metal acquires such advantages as high productivity, a significant reduction in energy consumption, and allows control of technological parameters by the length and cross-sectional area of the metal.


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