autogenous mill, modeling, adaptive system, mathematical model, loading control, self-tuning, quality indicators, uncontrolled disturbances, uncontrolled disturbances.Abstract
The main goal is development of an adaptive self-regulating system for controlling the loading process of drum mills for autogenous ore grinding, providing specified indicators of control quality under conditions of uncontrolled disturbances. Methodology. To achieve this goal, methods of system analysis and synthesis of automatic control theory systems and mathematical modeling methods were used to assess the quality of processes for regulating the parameters of the adaptive system. Scientific novelty. A method is proposed for solving the problem of synthesizing an adaptive loading control system for autogenous mills, which takes into account in its formulation restrictions on the level of control action and a possible change in the structure of the mathematical model of the object. Conclusions. The feasibility of using adaptive self-regulating systems for controlling the loading of autogenous fuel mills is substantiated. The problem of synthesizing the main loop of the control system is formulated and solved, taking into account real restrictions on the control action and possible changes in the structure of the mathematical model of the object. The dependence of the control time of the main loop on the restrictions on the control action has been studied. As a result of modeling the processes in the self-tuning loop of the adaptive system, it was established that the time for setting the model parameters is significantly less than the decay time of the correlation function of the processes that cause drift of the object parameters. Thus, the fulfillment of the conditions of quasi-stationarity indicates the operability of the adaptive system. Practical significance. The use of the proposed adaptive system for controlling the loading of autogenous mills provides the necessary indicators of control quality under conditions of restrictions on the control action and the nonstationary nature of the facility.
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