


psychotechnologies, conflict resolution, information security, cyber threats, developers of protection systems, emotional intelligence, stress management.


The changing conditions of modernity, caused by digital transformation and intensification of the information environment, significantly increase the complexity of the work of information security specialists, which, in turn, provokes the emergence of interpersonal and professional conflicts. High levels of stress, the need for prompt response to threats, and multitasking create a favorable environment for conflict situations in teams that develop and implement information protection systems. An important challenge for modern science is to identify effective psychotechnologies for diagnosing, preventing, and resolving conflicts among information security system developers, taking into account the specifics of their professional activities. In our opinion, the main attention should be paid to the analysis of the influence of cognitive, emotional, and social factors on the processes of communication and cooperation in the team. The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of psychotechnologies for resolving conflicts among information security specialists in the face of growing cyber threats. The paper examines the essence of the key concepts: «cyber threat», «conflict», and also identifies the specifics of the emergence and course of conflicts in professional teams of information protection system developers. Special emphasis is placed on the influence of stress-producing factors caused by cyber threats on the psychological climate in teams involved in information protection. The methodological basis of the study is an interdisciplinary approach that combines the principles of conflict psychology, cybersecurity and organizational psychology. Theoretical analysis allowed us to identify the main sources of conflicts among specialists in the field of information security, in particular, competition for resources, tension due to a high level of responsibility and risks, as well as problems of interpersonal interaction in conditions of intensive work. Based on the analysis, a number of practical recommendations aimed at conflict prevention were developed. In particular, methods were proposed to increase the stress resistance of specialists, develop constructive communication skills, implement team building programs and create favorable conditions for effective team work. Particular attention is paid to the use of psychotechnologies that contribute to the timely recognition and resolution of conflicts, preventing their escalation and reducing the negative impact on professional activity. The results of the study can be used as a basis for further applied developments in the field of organizing the activities of teams of information security specialists, as well as for the development of training programs aimed at developing stress resistance and increasing the effectiveness of team interaction in the face of modern cyber threats.


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