
  • Oleksii HATSULIA



sectoral aspect, state, public administration, institutes of management, public administration reform


It is proved that in formulating proposals for institutional change in Ukraine an important task is to determine the strategy, tactics and specific measures for the full application of the Constitution of Ukraine and the basic laws governing the institutional development of management subsystems. The basis of institutional change is the sectoral direction of modern public administration, improvement of legislation, dissemination of public positive perception of such changes and the formation of public and personal needs for change. It is established that the effectiveness of Ukraine’s reforms in the sectoral dimension, in addition to the presence of a political program, requires legal support, the formation of an effective system of state bodies to implement such changes, ensuring coordination of government efforts on sectoral reforms. New theoretical and methodological approaches to practical tasks in the field of institutional support of reforms are substantiated. It is substantiated that in the socio-political plan public administration reforms are conditioned by the need to resolve or minimize the contradictions of institutional interaction, which are formalized by the principles of governance. It is established that public administration reforms should implement the tasks of state building on the basis of value principles, aimed at improving the organization of state power, subordinated to the goals of social development. The process of constitutional changes and the impact of such changes on the system of public administration is studied. Methodological bases and practical aspects of development and implementation of constitutional changes in public administration activity are determined. The basis of constitutional changes is the improvement of legislation, the spread of public positive perception of such changes and the formation of public and personal needs for change. It is established that the effectiveness of constitutional changes in Ukraine, in addition to having the appropriate political will, requires proper legal support, the formation of an effective system of state bodies to implement such changes, ensuring proper coordination of government efforts to implement constitutional changes. New theoretical and methodological approaches to practical tasks in the field of reforming the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine are substantiated. Recommendations and proposals for solving the problem of implementing constitutional changes at both the state and regional levels are provided. It is established that public administration reforms should implement the tasks of state building on the basis of the values of the constitutional order within the process of amending the Constitution of Ukraine, aimed at improving the organization of state power, subject to the goals of social development.


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