


public administration, national security, military security, securitization of political life, national identity


Current trends in public administration are considered in the context of national security imperatives, in particular regarding prevention and elimination of military conflicts, achievement of international understanding and formation of a global security environment. In recent decades, military conflicts of varying intensity and scale, both in Europe and beyond the continent, have remained a potential threat to Ukraine and all European countries. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, which, in particular, summarizes modern interpretations of public administration and identifies problematic aspects of reforming modern governance structures amid globalization, informatization and democratization of the society and government. The position on the effectiveness and political perspective of democratic reforms is substantiated. Similar processes are observed in public administration in the security field within the democratic trend aimed at developing a dialogue between society and government through the active involvement of a wide range of non-state actors. On the basis of the dialectical method the trends of public administration development in the field of military security are researched and their ambivalence is argued. The global context of the new consolidated view on the protection of the common future of humanity is noted. The axiological method has provided an opportunity to characterize the processes of securitization of socio-political life and to determine the prospects for reducing its conflictogenity. It is consistently held that the most effective and efficient is the combination of three levels of identity in integrated European societies: maintaining strong positions of the customary national level of self-identification, transnational level of common European values and ethnic level of identity - preservation of historical memory.


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