land resources, land resource management, organizational and legal mechanism, decentralization, territorial community.Abstract
During the decentralization of power, the influence of society on managerial decision-making, including in the field of land resource management, increased significantly. Under such conditions, the public management entity should look for ways to ensure the effective functioning of the land resource management system. The purpose of this article is to highlight the approaches to the creation of an organizational and legal mechanism for land resource management in the context of decentralization. To solve the problems of a specific territorial community, there is a need to create an organizational and legal mechanism for land resource management, taking into account all the principles and foundations of decentralization, national and regional characteristics. The organizational and legal mechanism of land resource management is a direct impact on public relations as to the ownership, disposal and use of land resources using management tools to ensure revenues to the budget of the territorial community. The organizational component of the land resource management mechanism includes activities that are aimed at ordering and consistency of interrelated elements of the system. The modern understanding of the essence of the creation of the organizational and legal mechanism of land resource management should unambiguously take place through the definition of performance indicators that will determine the nature of the development of the territorial community. Only taking into account this approach we can expect socio-economic development of the territorial community through land resource management.
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