


leadership principles, leadership qualities, public administration, successful personality, typology of leadership.


The solution of new tasks facing the leaders of public administration at the present stage of development of the Ukrainian state requires an increase in the efficiency of public administration and public administration as one of the priorities based on the principles of democracy, nation and human-centrism. The relevance of the topic of updating the principles of leadership development in public administration is closely related to updating management mechanisms in the information society, changing the traditional paradigm of management, characterized by stability, control, competition, homogeneity, egocentrism and heroism to a new one, which is characterized by fluidity, delegation of power, cooperation, heterogeneity, social relevance and modesty. The new management paradigm, which is partially being introduced into public administration and public administration, increasingly requires the introduction of modern leadership principles, which are manifested through the assertion of moral values in the personality of a leader, his behavior models and reforming organizational structures. According to the author, such signs of leadership as delegation of power and cooperation in public administration determine the development of leadership through its consideration in conjunction with the principle of command. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the priority principles of leadership in public management activities, revealing the state of the study of this issue in domestic and foreign literature. The author of the article focuses on the definition – principle, which is analyzed as the basis for any theory or teaching, explanations or guidelines for action, a person’s inner conviction; basic rule of conduct; features in the creation of something, etc. The article reveals the priority principles of leadership as a prerequisite for the formation of a successful personality, successful leadership qualities. The system of principles of leadership development in public administration activities consists of an innovative principle of leadership development; the principle of independence for the development of new rules and regulations; the principle of subsidiarity to ensure the implementation of powers to the bodies of representative power; the principle of socially responsible leadership to ensure ethical relations between subordinates and the leader; the principle of justice, which is a special value measure for maintaining a balance between legal and moral values; the principle of professional and psychological readiness for public administration activities; methodological principle of information and analytical support.


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