


urban revitalization, degraded area, public policy of urban revitalization, city


At the present stage, it is not possible to ensure the sustainable development of the country without the application of innovative urban development policies. One of them is the policy of urban revitalization, which is aimed at overcoming the spatial, economic, social, cultural, environmental crisis of the functioning of degraded urban areas. The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the public policy of urban revitalization and to develop its process model, which will help to understand the sequence of specific actions and principles of relevant activities. The study presents a process model of public policy of the urban revitalization. It reflects the sequence of measures to restore the degraded urban area, as well as the principles to be followed at each stage of the policy and in general. According to the model, the process of public policy of the urban revitalization includes four stages: – preparation for the degraded areas restoration, – development of the urban revitalization program, – implementation of the urban revitalization program, – evaluation of the public policy of urban revitalization. The public policy of urban revitalization is carried out on basic and specific principles. Basic and specific principles should be followed for the effective implementation of the public policy of urban revitalization. Among the basic principles should be noted: subsidiarity, inclusiveness, smart growth, sustainable development. The specific principles of the urban revitalization policy include: – territorially concentrated influence, – integration and spatial synergy, – participation and multilevel locally oriented partnership. Despite the lack of practice in the preparation of urban revitalization programs, the proposed model of public policy of urban revitalization can be implemented in Ukrainian conditions. To accelerate the restoration process of degraded urban areas, it is necessary to regulate the issue of urban revitalization in domestic legislation and create financial mechanisms to support revitalization programs.


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