communications, economic relations, economic communications, communicative and managerial process, local authorities, territorial communitiesAbstract
The article analyzes the features of the communicative and managerial process during the implementation of economic relations in local authorities. The meaningful concept of communication and the specifics of its functioning in the system of public administration are revealed. The basic principles, features, key tasks and functions of communications in the implementation of economic relations at the basic levels of government are described. Specific differences in the functioning of the system of modern communicative activity in public administration and at the basic level of government have been clarified. The information and communication system of local authorities is analyzed. The process of formation of internal organizational communications and their key forms used in the implementation of economic relations in the system of public administration are considered. The legislative and normative base of public administration bodies and state authorities in the implementation of communication tasks and functions has been studied and analyzed. The main stages of institutionalization of communicative relations between the government and the public are considered. The list of criteria for assessing communication processes in the implementation of economic relations between state institutions and public administration bodies, between the authorities and representatives of business structures, between the authorities, population and representatives of the public sector.
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