public administration, society, state, propertyAbstract
The evolution of the formation and development of the public administration system is studied. It is shown that in comparison with the previous civilizational periods the system of public administration in its basic principles and principles has hardly changed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the main function of the system of public administration in relation to society is to create conditions for an adequate standard of living for all groups of the population, which is not fully fulfilled. The basis of relations between the state and society is property management and human capital development. It is analyzed that in the absence of a well-thought-out ideology of society development and property management strategy, it is impossible to establish parity relations between the state and society. It turns out that the lack of a balanced state policy to regulate property relations causes the division of society into real and virtual owners, which undermines the economic basis of the state and causes a disproportion in the industrial complex. It is argued that public control over the processes of property management and growth of human resources will lead to the formation of a new model of relations between the state and society.
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