: strategy, state planning, state strategic planning, legislation, normative legal act, classificationAbstract
The subject of the article is the categorical - conceptual apparatus in the field of strategic planning and management, classification of strategies according to the selected features and assessment of the state of legislative support of the state strategic planning. The urgency of the issue is due to a number of factors, the main of which are such as imperfection of theoretical and methodological principles of strategy formation, low efficiency of their implementation, lack of relationships and resource, information-analytical, methodological, institutional support, vagueness and insufficient level of validity measures to achieve them, the impossibility of applying traditional approaches in times of crisis and high dynamics of change, etc. The article is based on a comprehensive analysis of legislative acts of the highest state authorities of Ukraine for the period of its independence: the classification of strategic documents is proposed, different approaches to understanding the concepts of «strategy» and «strategic planning» are generalized; It has been proved that the Government has been and remains the most active initiator of the formation of strategies, and among the branches of legislation the priority areas for the use of strategies are: «150. General principles of legal regulation of economic development» «140. Legislation on Foreign Relations and Foreign Economic Relations» and «20. Budget and financial legislation»; it is noted that the period from 2015 to 2019 in terms of the number of developed and adopted strategies at the national level is the most productive compared to other periods; Emphasis is placed on the fact that in 2020 the validity of most of the adopted strategies expires, to replace which (if necessary) new strategies should be developed, or a reasoned decision is made on the inexpediency of their extension.
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