disability, children with disabilities, youth with disabilities, integration, social integration, discrimination, social rehabilitation, inclusionAbstract
The peculiarities of the formation of the conceptual apparatus in social integration of children and youth with disabilities are analyzed. The main emphasis is on the theoretical substantiation of the definitions «disabled», «disability», «children with disabilities», «youth with disabilities», «social rehabilitation», «inclusion», «discrimination». It is established that the assimilation of social experience by persons with disabilities, their inclusion in the existing system of social relations requires from society certain additional measures, tools and efforts. The success of these measures is ensured by knowledge of the nature, objectives and patterns of the process of social integration and its components. It is emphasized that disability is a social phenomenon, and the state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and opportunities, should form social and economic policies for people with physical or mental disabilities, taking into account international experience and international law. But today the state policy aimed at the social integration of children and youth with disabilities is in a state of development. Ukraine, like many other countries, especially in the post-Soviet area, has chosen an approach to social protection rather than social integration in the formulation of state policy on persons with disabilities, which is reflected in the lack of practical tools for social integration in various spheres of public relations. Given this, when formulating state policy on social integration of children and youth with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account that the legislation does not contain a definition of «social integration», which complicates the understanding of this process. That is, the legislator must interpret this term not only to determine what belongs to this category, but also to develop methods and include means and mechanisms of social integration. The author emphasizes that society must radically change its attitude towards people with disabilities, break stereotypes, avoid discriminatory components to ensure full inclusion of such people in society through social integration.
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