reforming the secondary education system, specialty training, career counselling, concept of New Ukrainian school, competences, individualization of trainingAbstract
In Ukraine, the issue of introducing specialty training of secondary education occurs in the context of educational reform based on the concept of «New Ukrainian School». Secondary education should become practice-oriented, and the knowledge gained in high school should be an effective tool for solving real life problems. The implementation of specialty training of secondary education in Ukraine requires a balanced state educational policy to solve a number of legal, organizational, educational and methodological problems. The purpose of the article is to investigate the content of the organization of specialized education in secondary school in the framework of educational reform in Ukraine. Specialty training involves taking into account the educational needs, skills and abilities of students, creating conditions in accordance with their self-determination. This is ensured by changes in the goals, content, structure of the educational process, resulting in the formation of students’ competencies. Emphasis on the category of competence in the educational process is associated with the need to bring education closer to the order of society. Educational needs, skills and abilities, focused on future professional choice determine the choice of students of appropriate specialty training . Specialty training is a way of organizing differentiated learning, which provides in-depth and professionally-oriented learning of the cycle of related subjects. Specialty training is an educational activity aimed at the formation of professional self- determination of a high school student in accordance with his skills and abilities, focused on providing conditions for self-realization of the individual. The content of specialized education in secondary school provides differentiated, in-depth and professionally-oriented training of the cycle of related subjects with the acquisition of clearly defined competencies. The organization of specialty training is influenced by personnel, material and technical indicators of the educational institution, socio- cultural, production infrastructure of the region where the educational institution is located, the prospects for further higher education. The subject of further research in this area will be the organizational aspects of specialized education in high school.
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