state policy, information support, development, innovation clusters, mechanism of public administration, clustering, development, regions, efficiencyAbstract
Peculiarities of state regulation of the process of organization of the information support system for the development of innovation clusters of the economy of the regions are determined. The tasks of the state policy in the system of information support of the development of the innovation cluster and the use of the corresponding information potential and intellectual capital are identified. Systematized problems and possible socio-economic conflicts in the system of implementation of the state policy of information support of the innovation cluster. The conceptual approach to the process filling of the state policy of information support of innovative clusters of the economy of the regions is presented. An algorithm for implementing the state policy of information support for the development of innovation clusters is proposed. The structure of the mechanism of state management of the use of information resources for the development of innovation clusters in the economy of the regions is proposed. Scientific and methodological approaches to the formation and implementation of state policy of information support and appropriate organizational and institutional support for the development of innovation cluster on the basis of determining appropriate models of information support (closed, open, semi-closed and semi-open types with characteristics of information activities and communication), goals, objectives, tasks and principles of state regulation of information support for the development of innovation clusters, which contributed to the identification of key conflicts in the system of information support for the development of innovation cluster, to form an algorithm for implementing state policy of information support for innovation cluster development. Under the information potential, it is proposed to consider a complex phenomenon in the management environment, which has its own structuring, relevant laws and patterns of development, dictates its vector for the development of information culture.
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