


public servants professional activity, smart evaluation, smart criteria, remoteness, digital transformation


The article considers the smart evaluation of the results of public servants professional activity in the conditions of remote in Ukraine (in the conditions of prevention of spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) as a component of the smart development of public service on the way to digitization (data digitization), digitalization (process automation), digital transformation (new types of innovation and creativity in a particular field) of society. The nature of the concepts «smart» and «smart society» is studied. The scale of transformations in the conditions of digital transformation and virtualization of reality is illustrated by examples. Namely, the following are considered: the draft Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine until 2030, in terms of improving the effectiveness of public authorities and local governments based on informatization of decision-making processes, provision of administrative services, phased implementation of e-governance at all levels; activity of the Ministry of Digital Transformation (main goals and objectives); Japan’s digital development strategy (integration of physical and cyberspace); index of digital economy and society; smart governance as a component of smart city’s characteristics; interactive smart evaluation, which is used in Kyivvodokanal. The smart criteria which should be applied at an evaluation of results of public servants professional activity are characterized with: involvement of modern information and communication technologies on the basis of high moral, ethical and technological standards; taking into account the motivational aspect, responsibility for the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the set tasks and the final result of the evaluation – trust and loyalty of citizens. Their application is proposed for a comprehensive evaluation of the results of public servants’ professional activity in the conditions of the remoteness.


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