


intellectual capital, diplomatic service of Ukraine, human resources, staffing, public administration


Successful implementation of public administration tasks depends on the efficient use of possible resources. One of the main types of such resources is intellectual capital in determining the knowledge, skills and qualities of employees of the organization, through which you can achieve a certain goal. Effective activity of the diplomatic service of Ukraine, as a component of the system of public administration, is impossible without the existence of effective mechanisms for the formation of intellectual capital. An important factor in the formation of intellectual capital of the diplomatic service is professional education, the task of which is to promote the acquisition of the future employee the necessary knowledge, skills and values. The personnel policy of the service also influences the formation of this type of resources. Currently, its main principle has been a personal approach in the selection of future employees, as well as while working with already engaged employees. An important role in the accumulation of human capital of the service is played by periodic training of employees, specific features of the service. The ways of creation of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service are effective and diverse. At the same time, the accumulation of human capital depends on the level of theoretical and professional training of the employee, as well as on the psychological stability and flexibility of the employee. The methods and techniques of selecting employees for the relevant positions, their work in the diplomatic service need to be improved. This process should also take into account the professional skills and mental characteristics of the person. The level of motivation of the employee that plays an important role in the formation of intellectual capital needs to be increased.


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