


professional identity, professional competence, the local government official, service to community, public service, service to public interests


The аrticle is devoted to the definition of the content and structure of the professional identity system of the local government officials. The research is based on the institutional paradigm of considering the service in local government bodies, and the systematic approach to studying the model of the professional identity of the local government officials with a distinction of principles of its examination. Scientific searches are relying on the axiological approach, which allowed to disclose the connection of the public service values with factors of the service in local government bodies and the personality structure. It is against this background that there have been singled out the basic components of the professional identity, such as the system of professional values, professional competence and readiness for professional activities. The criteria for the professionalization of the local government officials include the interiorization of value-based orientations, grounded on the prinсiples of morality and moral. The phenomenological analysis of the professional identity as a subtype of the social identity, taking into account factors of the professiogenesis, has been applied. The research outlines the contours of the professional identity system of the local government officials, taking into account peculiarities of the evolution of this institute in Ukraine. The particular attention is paid to the consideration of dialectic of the general, special and individual in the content of the professional identity of the local government official. The research results allowed to determine the principles of studying the model of the professional identity of the local government official. Exercise of the managerial influence on the process of forming the high-level professional identity of the local government officials actualizes the problem residing in the determination of the structure and content of the professional identity system. The research results allow to conclude that at the core of the professional identity, there is a complex of professionally important qualities of the personality, which consists of a number of subsystems: moral (substructures of the external and internal orientations, as well as intra- and interpersonal qualities), sociо-political, legal, communicative, psychological and special qualities. It has been confirmed that the successful formation of the professional identity of a particular official depends on the level of its authority and trust of citizens in him. Accordingly, the formation of the high-level professional identity of the local government officials is a condition and pledge to increase confidence of citizens in power.


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