: government, smart technologies, managerial activity, technologization of managerial functions, principles, system of complex technological service, functions of technologization, conceptual approachAbstract
The author ’s vision of transformation of technological support of activity of government as a factor of maintenance of efficiency and productivity of administrative work is resulted. The idea, basic views, principles and approaches to building a comprehensive innovative system of public administration technology, which will help solve problems of improving the quality, efficiency of organization and development of management decisions due to technological factors. Organizational and methodological bases of construction of complex system of technological maintenance of development, realization and control of administrative decisions are considered. The conceptual aspects of building a comprehensive system of management technology are determined, the scientific- theoretical and methodological bases of its construction are formulated using the principles of new quality technologies (smart technologies). The integration and identification of technologies for solving management problems to ensure the development and implementation of management decisions and their design are presented in the form of an independent structural unit for the integration of the public administration system of smart technology platform. It is proposed to consider it as an intellectual unifying structure of government and a new form of organization of their construction – model-block, which consists of a set of blocks of special models, interconnected by the management cycle. Technological support of the functions of the public administration system using the capabilities of the smart technology platform is provided by specialists with systematic, creative and reflective thinking, who have the skills of dynamic interaction, able to develop and provide recommendations for management decisions using the capabilities and capabilities of the designed technology platform.
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