state registration, certificate, vital record, administrative servicesAbstract
We study the dynamics of changes in the nature and contents of documental attestation of vital records in regard to the development of institution of the state civil status registration associated with reformation of public authorities. The issue of partial transfer of functions of the state civil status registration authorities to notaries is considered. We proved that it is necessary to further improve the organization of the state civil status registration authorities in conditions of decentralization. The article examines the list of problematic issues and positive outcomes achieved by the Government during the introduction of various forms of certificates, which has scientific, historical and applied significance, it promotes the detailed research of development trends, reasons of creating new forms of documents, change of their outline, it gives a clue to the function of the specific certificate which is certified by a certain vital record. In the process of detailed analysis of the form and contents of the documents which legally certify various vital records, it was found that they perform the important legal and information function. Due to these certificates the official status is granted to the most significant events of human life: birth, marriage, death. Therefore, their potential function offers an opportunity to study the dynamics of social relations and find out the importance of particular details which were indicated in various manners in different periods of development of our state. Having considered the content of certificates in different periods of state formation, we will conclude that notwithstanding constant reformation of the state government institutions in connection with the necessary authority decentralization of the state civil status registration offices, on the one hand current changes bring positive results, but on the other hand they are not free from shortcomings, and it proves the necessity of reviewing the reforms and transition of the government activity from extensive to intensive changes.
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