authorities, public administration, decentralization, reform, government, transformationAbstract
Features of public administration reform in the context of modern decentralization processes are studied. The analysis of features of formation of system of authorities is carried out, the legislative and regulatory base of activity of authorities of various levels is considered. The actual scientific problem of substantiation of theoretical and methodological principles of the transformation process in the system of public administration is solved. A conceptual approach to solving the problem of content of modern public administration reform in the format of initiatives of the President of Ukraine to reform public administration is proposed, with the criteria of decentralization reform proposed to be used as factors influencing the reform process in Ukraine and equally as transformational factors in public administration. The multifaceted nature of the transformation process in the system of public administration due to the influence of political, economic and social components is demonstrated, the concepts of socialization of management, humanization of management, complex administrative systems are determined. 24 Author’s approaches to periodization of development of processes of formation of strategy of reforming of authorities are developed, system characteristics of development of public relations in Ukraine in the field of development of a state policy are resulted. Using the results of the study, the principles of forming the concept of development of the Ukrainian state, as well as the methodological basis for improving the management model at the central and regional levels were developed. Based on the analysis of the activities of regional institutions of government, the directions of public administration reform at the regional level are proposed. In general, the regional level of government has been adopted as a baseline in the process of public administration reform in the context of decentralization reform. Internal and external factors of influence on the transformation process, their characteristics are determined, the stages of institutionalization of public administration are established. It is substantiated that in the process of public administration reform it is necessary to determine the structure and methodology of analysis of the impact of decentralization, the presence of a generalized set of tools to improve public administration in the central, regional and sectoral levels by combining technologies of socio-economic development and organizational and management mechanisms. A new approach to the formalization of governance as the influence of the state on public relations by introducing the concept of an integrated system of public administration and the principles, forms and methods of interaction of elements of such a system are proposed.
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