


public administration, civic values, democratic principles, modern society, citizens, national traditions


The article analyzes the issues of сivic values in the context of public administration. Civic values are an important foundation that gives a positive impetus to management and is one of the elements of public administration and their role in building Ukrainian statehood. The main civic values are solidarity, dignity, tolerance, and social trust. The article focuses on the introduction of values as an element of public governance in democratic countries, the unification of human potential and its entry into the main orbit of political life of the state to realize the interests of social groups and stakeholders. Thus, the formation of civic values in the context of public administration will be the formation as a result of a constant dialogue between government and citizens, without a doubt, it is a complex process. However, its constant initiation by the two sides will stimulate the gradual formation of public opinion on the basic mechanisms, forms and methods of achieving political culture, trust, social solidarity and integration into society. It is concluded that civic values as an element of public administration acquire particularly stable trends that regulate public administration policy in most countries. The Revolution of Dignity provided a new opportunity for the development of new values in the history of civil society in Ukraine, demonstrated the influence of the public on socio-political processes, and became an impetus for the renewal and reformatting of power. Such socio-political processes require the creation of full-fledged, not declarative public institutions, able to obtain information in the initial stages of public administration decisions, to offer alternative ways to solve problems, to monitor the implementation of decisions. An important emphasis on the path of transformation is the readiness of citizens for self- organization, for the manifestation of civic activity at the local level. A significant challenge of post- Sovietism is paternalism – the belief of citizens in the omnipotence of the state; confidence that the state should solve all their problems. As a result, such civic passivity allows the authorities to play on the voter’s paternalistic tendencies (politicians find it easier to «bribe» citizens with their promises). One of the elements of public administration in the context of globalization processes in countries with democratic principles is the value, or system of values, the introduction of which accelerated the interaction between government and society and deepened the process of satisfying all stakeholders, created new challenges to social development. The introduction of values as an element of public administration in democracies has resulted in the pooling of human potential and its entry into the main orbit of the political life of the state to realize the relevant interests of stakeholders. 


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