rule of law, legality, public management, public administration, state, public power, principleAbstract
In the context of the development of home public administration, the implementation of research in terms of providing a meaningful description of the principles of the rule of law and legality in order to comply with them and ensure the activities of public authorities is becoming relevant. Therefore, the purpose of the scientific article is to implement a terminological analysis of the principles of the rule of law and legality in the activities of public administration, as an important condition for the development of public administration. The article considers terminological issues related to the definition of the essence of the concepts «rule of law», «legality», «public administration», by analyzing scientific papers and legal documents. Particular attention is paid to the definitions contained in the norms of international and European acts concerning the definition of the content of the principles of the rule of law and legality, which allowed distinguishing the relevant international and European understanding of the conceptual foundations of these concepts. It is established that at the present stage of development of the institution of public administration in the European doctrine the principle of the rule of law prevails, which is not identified with the principle of legality, as it is included in the list of relevant requirements for the implementation of the first one. The relationship between the rule of law and the rule of legality is shown, given their close relationship, formed in the process of evolution at different times during the development of social relations. As a result of research of scientific literature and normative-legal sources, it is offered to consider legality in activity of public administration in a wide public-administrative context through a prism of regulation of the state-authoritative influence on society for the purpose of its ordering. Since the vector of the rule of law and legality is aimed at both public authorities and society, it is assumed that the adoption of these principles in society involves the implementation of the requirements set out in the article to ensure compliance with public administration.
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