distance learning, e-government, single information and educational space, Google applications, regional cloud of public administration, cloud technologiesAbstract
The need to maintain the appropriate level of qualification of personnel in the new conditions of management, the functioning of the market economy and public administration reform leads to the urgent need for continuous training of a large number of public servants at all levels in all regions of Ukraine, including Dnipropetrovsk region. Traditional methods, tools and forms of education require a significant number of additional highly qualified teaching staff, increasing the number of educational institutions for training, retraining and advanced training of public servants and increasing their training capacity, frequent and long absences from the work of senior public servants. All this is time and money, which our country is very short of. The way to solve this problem is a large-scale transition to a qualitatively new level of full-time and part-time education – distance learning. Currently, there is a rapid development of cloud technologies, in Ukraine the infrastructure of the e-government system is being created, which includes as a fragment the infrastructure created at the regional level. The regional fragment of the e-government system can be used effectively by filling it with modern and efficient cloud applications. Including applications, which allow to organize distance learning for public servants, employees of utilities, organizations and enterprises at the regional level. Therefore, today, the study of the functional capabilities of modern information and communication systems for the organization of professional distance learning at the regional level is an urgent task. This article substantiates the feasibility of creating an educational service in the regional cloud of public administration. To this end, the followings are identified functions of educational service, groups of users of the educational service, Google applications that implement these features. Cases of foreign and domestic experience in organizing training of public servants using Internet technologies are considered. The experience of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute for Public Administration National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine shows that the use of the G Suite for Education package allows to create quickly and efficiently the single information and educational space for training and retraining of public servants and local government officials in the region.
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