management consensus, communicative policy, communicative space, civil society institutions, social interests, communicative interaction, communicative partnershipAbstract
The article explores the process of communicative interaction between government and society, aimed at forming their constructive dialogue and partnership to ensure order and stability as well as establishing partnerships between government authorities and civil society. It is proved that the management consensus should be built as well as the partnership between the structures of public administration authorities and the public should be ensured within the framework of communicative interaction. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the public administration system will depend on the optimization of the communicative interaction of the public administration authorities, the effective communication policy, the effectiveness of a single communicative space, implemented on the basis of the partnership principle, the implementation of which implies complete public trust in government authorities. It is established that the organizational and legal capacity of civil society institutions to articulate social interests, their promotion and protection is one of the conditions for establishing a communication partnership, a bilateral dialogue between the authorities and the public, as well as the success of such a dialogue depends on the joint actions of public authorities and associations of citizens, and their willingness to cooperate. Prerequisites that identify the urgency of reforming the mechanisms of communication partnership between public authorities and the public are identified. It is substantiated that communicative partnership in its essence is a kind of rational social interaction, based on the trust and mutual respect of the participants of the communication process and aimed at ensuring equal dialogue and/or joint activity. Key aspects of the activity of government authorities in Ukraine, ensuring the intensification of the development of communication partnership, the development of political networks and the transition to new principles of public administration, are underlined. It is stated that the communication partnership can become a new tool that will provide the unlocking of the potential of public structures, more active participation of citizens in the activities of public authorities, increasing the accountability and accountability of the authorities and, as a result, building a modern democratic system of communication partnership.
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