


state border protection, border unit, border service


The article deals with the actual problem ofensuring the activity ofthe border unit. Theauthor formulated and substantiated the recommendations on the formation of the structure of the system of information and analytical support of the state border protection processes. The main part of the scientific article presents information on the content, nature and importance of the organizational and staff structure of the border unit: it is a set of rules and rules that shape human resources in accordance with the strategy of the border service measures are planned and agreed in advance, and focuses primarily on the powers and management style of its managers); The organizational and staffing structure of the border unit is a system of wishes, rules and restrictions in the relationship between the border service representatives and the service itself. Its main characteristics are defined: the clarity of division of labour into relevant positions (head of the unit, his deputy, etc.); presence of grouped posts (department or department); hierarchy of the system of positions (leading employee, employee, etc.); competences according to positions in the structure; the ordering of the connections between the posts according to the amount of job responsibilities. The content of the main regulatory and legal aspects of the formation of the organizational and staff structure of the border unit, orders for the functioning of the border service and so on is analysed. Prospects of further scientific researches in the context of this issue are presented: mechanisms of formation of organizational-staff structure of the border unit, introduction of foreign experience of functioning of the border agency (police, service) in the developed countries of the world are updated.


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