public administration, civil service, staffing potential of the civil service, mechanisms of public administration, mechanisms of the development of the staffing potential of the civil service.Abstract
New requirements for public administration put forward requirements for the civil service and its main resource – civil servants able to provide quality services and work to achieve results in the public interest, apply European standards of public administration and make public policy in the face of change. In turn, the need to address the challenges outlined above revisits the theoretical foundations related to the development of the staffing potential of the civil service (SРСS) and the improvement of the state-administrative mechanisms that provide it. The main idea of the article is to theoretically substantiate the mechanisms of development of the SРСS in the conditions of anthropological orientation of public administration. The state of the research of the phenomenon of «staffing potential of the civil service» in the scientific discourse is analyzed and its conceptual-categorical apparatus is developed. The essence of such basic definitions of the work as «staffing potential of the civil service», «development of staffing potential» has been established. At the same time, attention is paid to the fact that in the process of studying the essence of the SРСS, we turn to the subjective factor, but not in its individual-personality manifestation, but take it in a holistic-generalized, formed into a single complex of abilities (possibilities). The mechanisms of development of the SРСS are defined as an integral set of norms, principles, methods, tools and levers of influence, through which conditions are created for the development of the capabilities and capabilities of civil servants to perform professional tasks and implement state functions. The composition and structure of the SРСS from the point of view of its development have been specified and on this basis, the mechanisms of public administration of this process have been identified, namely, organizational and legal, resourceful, motivational and informational and communicative. It is established that the identified mechanisms for the development of the staffing potential of the civil service interact closely with each other. Thus, the identified mechanisms for the development of the SРСS form organizational, legal, motivational-value and other integrated ways of stimulating the civil service personnel to self-knowledge, self-improvement and self-realization in order to solve public tasks and realize the functions of public administration in terms of its reform.
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