state energy policy, mechanisms of implementation of state energy policy, energy sphere, electricity market.Abstract
To ensure the national interests of Ukraine in the sustainable development of the economy, civil society and the state; in order to achieve growth in the standard and quality of life of the population, respect for the constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual and citizen, on September 30, 2019, the President of Ukraine signed the Decree «On the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine for the Period up to 2030». One of the seventeen goals of Ukraine’s sustainable development for the period up to 2030 was «ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources for all». The stated goal of sustainable development of Ukraine for the period until 2030 should be a benchmark for determining the directions of improvement of the state energy policy of Ukraine in the context of the development of relevant draft forecast and program documents, draft legislative and regulatory acts in order to ensure a balanced sustainable development of the energy sector of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to determine the directions of improvement of mechanisms of realization of the state energy policy of Ukraine in the current conditions. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state energy policy, it is advisable to: increase of natural gas, oil, shale gas, coal (methane) gas production; creation of minimum reserves of oil and petroleum products, taking into account the requirements of the European Union for the creation and maintenance of such reserves; protection of national interests, ensuring equal opportunities for the use of subsoil, open auctions for the sale of special permits for the use of subsoil, transparency of the state monitoring system for the use and protection of subsoil, strengthening control and accountability for violations of requirements in the field of subsoil use; ensuring energy sustainability of Ukraine; annual approval of Ukraine’s forecast fuel and energy balance; introduction of mechanisms to promote energy efficiency and economical use of energy resources by all categories of energy consumers; regulation of the issue of determining the volume of creation of the natural gas insurance reserve for 2020; transition to natural gas payments for energy; preserving the transit of natural gas and increasing its volumes through the gas transmission system of Ukraine; repayment of arrears and payment of salaries to employees of state-owned coal-mining enterprises, preventing such arrears in the future; diversification of sources and routes of supply of oil, petroleum products, natural and liquefied gas, coal of anthracite grades, providing for supply from one source not more than 30 percent of total volumes of supply; Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to investigate, in accordance with the established procedure, violations of the requirements of the legislation on protection of economic competition by economic entities operating in the energy markets, and take appropriate response measures. To form a competitive electricity market on a long-term basis, the following strategic steps should be implemented: raise tariffs for the population to an economically sound level and eliminate the cross-subsidy system; to conduct auctions for the construction of RES and high maneuver sources to balance the grid; launch a fully competitive electricity market in Ukraine with minimal administrative interference in pricing processes; to integrate the Ukrainian grid with the European ENTSO-E and to ensure the possibility of export-import flows. Conclusions from this research and perspectives of future development in current area. Thus, the study of the efficiency and effectiveness of the state energy policy and the level of development of the energy sector of the country in modern conditions testifies to the need for its further comprehensive reform. It is advisable to implement the improvement of the state energy policy of Ukraine by separate mechanisms: political-administrative, legislative-regulatory, financial-economic, social-communication. Within these mechanisms, it is necessary to develop and implement tools for solving these problems and contradictions in the processes of reforming the energy sector, taking into account the processes of European integration of Ukraine.
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